
#TBSN真佛園地 文/宗務記者(此篇為翻譯文)


2023 年12 月 31 日,我能夠親眼見到聖尊蓮生活佛,並參加師尊主持的時輪金剛護摩法會,這真是一個幸福的日子。對我來說,能夠來到這裡(在彩虹雷藏寺)經歷了很多的障礙,我們非常感謝所有同門師兄姐的支援,才讓我得以實現這一目標。同時,我也感恩能夠和患有抑鬱症和劇烈疼痛11年,幾乎沒有離開過家的母親,一起前來面見師尊並得到祂大力的加持,祈求能獲得病苦上的解脫。

我回想起去年那段難忘的時刻,當時我在 2022 年 10 月 16 日參加時輪金剛護摩法會時,從蓮生活佛那裡得到了無量的加持和治癒奇跡。我當時被診斷出患有一種叫做「SPS」漸凍人綜合症的疾病。它被稱為「百萬分之一」的罕病,這意味著我的日子充滿了隨時都會癲癇發作的痛苦,我多次失去說話的能力,因為聲帶會被我痙攣的肌肉勒死無法使用。大多數時候,我都必須使用拐杖/手杖,如果我的身體太疲憊,我則需要坐在輪椅上。

在我的家鄉加利福尼亞州薩克拉門托到華盛頓州雷德蒙德的 13 小時車程中,癲癇發作的情況持續了好幾次。在一位上師和幾位好法師的陪同下,他們不得不在車上忍受我發作時的痛苦,並親切地背著我去見活佛並參加護摩法會儀式。


我皈依了活佛蓮生聖尊,目前我是一個渴望學習更多佛法的弟子。深深感恩師尊在時輪金剛護摩法會給予我的療癒。謝謝你,任何言語都遠遠不足以表達我對您的感激之情。 Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hum.

- 蒂娜·莫蒂尼


The Path of Healing from Kalachakra

Amitofo. It was such a blessed day to be able to meet and thank Grandmaster Living Buddha Lian-sheng and attend the Kalachakra Homa on December 31, 2023. There were so many hindrances in being able to be here [at the Rainbow Temple] and we were extremely grateful for all the support from all dharma brothers and sisters to be able to make it happen. At this time, I was also able to bring my mother who has been suffering from depression and in severe pain for 11 years and has barely left her home. Due to Grandmaster’s abundant blessings, she came, met, and paid respect the Living Buddha herself, and hopefully will attain liberation.

I recalled the notable moment last year when I received an immeasurable blessing and healing miracle from Living Buddha Lian-sheng upon attending the Kalachakra Homa on October 16, 2022. I had been diagnosed with a disorder called “SPS” Stiff Person Syndrome. It is called the “one in a million” disease, because only one person in a million get diagnosed with it. This meant that my days were filled with seizures and I lost the use of my voice many times as the vocal cords would get strangled by my muscles. Most days, if I had relief I had to use a cane/walking stick and if my body was too exhausted, I needed to be in a wheelchair. The seizure like condition continued several times during the 13 hour driving journey from my hometown Sacramento, California to Redmond, Washington. Accompanied by a Master and few good affinities dharma brother and sisters, they had to endure my suffering in the car and were nice enough to carry me on their back to meet the Living Buddha and attend the homa ceremony. I was able to see Grandmaster in person before the ceremony and was told he could heal me with only one look at me. I was full of faith and was overjoyed to have met him.

What a blissful event that the light of the Buddha shone through washing away my heavy karma and I was able to abandon the wheelchair and cane/walking stick altogether. Upon returning home, my daughter and mother were in shock upon seeing me able to walk and go to the office immediately that day. As a single mother, life has been quite challenging. To receive immense support of healing, we are beyond grateful.

I took refuge under Grandmaster Living Buddha Lian-sheng, and I am currently an eager disciple in learning more dharma. What a healing from Living Buddha Lian-sheng at the Kalachakra Homa. Thank you and words will never be enough to express my gratitude. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hum.

Tina Mottini

圖說:照片左邊是作者Tina Mottini,中間是師佛蓮生活佛,右邊是作者的母親


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