

1)目前各道場的道場證書期限至2020年9月15日止,由於新冠狀疫情,導致有些國家的郵件服務受到限制,因此今年宗委會已經以電郵方式發給道場 《道場續證問卷表》及《道場報告問卷表》。

2)各道場的電郵資料,是以各道場負責人在申請《道場線上互動系統》 https://tbssupervisorteam.wufoo.com/forms/z1mzw5la1kmmm5y/
所填寫的道場EMAIL為主。 宗委會也已經於8月4日以電郵方式發給各地道場及【當地密教總會/總協會】。



5)由於新冠疫情可能會拖延郵寄的時間,因此敬請道場理事會(董事會)在收信後儘速填寫並盡早將表格及所需呈交的文件郵寄至宗委會辦事處: 17110 NE 40th CT, Redmond, WA 98052, USA. 也可電郵至 tbfupdate@gmail.com宗委會道場管理組收。各道場也可以把表格及文件呈交到所屬的當地密總,再由密總彙整呈報到宗委會道場管理組。

宗委會道場管理組Email資料: tbfupdate@gmail.com
宗委會道場管理組 謹啟

Notice of Chapter Renewal Certificate

1) The current certificate period for all True Buddha School Chapter is due on September 15, 2020. Due to current Covid-19 postage mailing situation, TBF has emailed the soft copy “Chapter Renewal Form” and “Chapter Report Questionnaire Form” to all chapters instead of sending by postage mail, as alternate solution.

2) The email information is based on the email detail submitted by Chapter person-in-charge in the 《TBS Online Interactive System for Cultivation Venues》 https://tbssupervisorteam.wufoo.com/forms/z1mzw5la1kmmm5y/.
True Buddha Foundation has already emailed to all chapters and local TBF headquarters on 4 August.

3) If your chapter has not received the Chapter Renewal Notification, please contact TBF Chapter Management Team via email: tbfupdate@gmail.com or contact your local TBF headquarter.

4)Both the “Chapter Renewal Form” and “Chapter Report Questionnaire Form” will be used as the basis for TBF to review and audit the chapter conditions for renewal, whether the chapter meets the required conditions of True Buddha School, and then decide to issue the Chapter Renewal Certificate. As the Covid-19 outbreak may delay mailing time, the Chapter Committee is kindly requested to fill and send back as soon as possible after receiving the letter.

5)As the Covid-19 outbreak may delay mailing time, the Chapter Committee is kindly requested to fill and send back as soon as possible after receiving the letter. You may send back the forms and the required documents to either TBF office address: 17110 NE 40th CT, Redmond, WA 98052, USA, or email tbfupdate@gmail.com. You may also submit the forms and documents to your local TBS headquarter, which will help to consolidate and submit back to TBF office.

Thank you for your cooperation and support!
TBF Chapter Management Team Email: tbfupdate@gmail.com

TBF Chapter Management Team

2025真佛宗為世界祈福 「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。