


敬愛的真佛宗同門大家好!一年一度的秋季大法會將要到了,今年訂於9/8/2018星期六下午兩點,在「梅登寶會議中心」舉辦。師尊慈悲賜授「宗喀巴祖師念誦法」,相信大家都歡喜前來聆聽師尊的傳法開示及領受殊勝的灌頂。「阿彌陀佛大法會的主祈功德主」將由「盧勝彥佈施基金會」統籌,所以請將報名888主祈者贊助金交給基金會: http://www.sylfoundation.org/888-sponsor/

The annual fall prayer ceremony will be held at 2:00pm on Saturday, September 8, 2018, at Meydenbauer Convention Center. Living Buddha Lian Sheng will be speaking about the Je Tsongkhapa Mantra Chanting Practice and SYL Foundation will be coordinating the sponsorship registration for the ceremony, so please visit our website for details: http://www.sylfoundation.org/888-sponsor/. As a sponsor, you are not only supporting the ceremony but also the charitable work of SYL Foundation.

天佑LA ~ 讓我們一起為洛杉磯祈福Let′s Pray for LA 「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。