真佛宗官方「真佛視頻」APP ,目前整系統轉型中,IOS用戶請恕暫無法觀看,但網路直播照常。
由於「真佛視頻」APP 在轉型中,目前iOS用戶暫時無法觀看視頻,敬請諒解!網絡直播照常。
1. 網站:http://tbsn.org/chinese3/videoClass.php
2. YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/truebuddhaschoolnet
3. Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/truebuddhaschool
TBSN Video APP (真佛視頻)iOS video viewing function is temporarily down. Live Broadcast remains active. We apologize for the inconvenience. During this period, please feel free to visit the following official TBSN sites to access complete TBSN video library.
1. Website: http://tbsn.org/chinese3/videoClass.php
2. YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/truebuddhaschoolnet
3. Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/truebuddhaschool